"Hey! I didn't know Artists Circle did that..."

You have no idea how often we hear the above sentiment! We often find that our clients are not aware of the wide range of services we offer that go beyond procuring artwork and framing. Our services include but are not limited to collections management, artwork consulting, procurement, printing, framing, estimates of value, and installation.  Our skilled installers can handle anything from hanging a few framed pieces in an office, to securing heavy sculpture to the ground or on the wall. Check out some of our more complex sculptural installations below!  

This is a large public art sculpture in downtown Rockville that has a 7 foot diameter and is internally lit. 

This is a large public art sculpture in downtown Rockville that has a 7 foot diameter and is internally lit. 

The delicate nature of the cast glass in this sculpture made this public art installation tricky. 

The delicate nature of the cast glass in this sculpture made this public art installation tricky. 

Our installers had to individually mount each welded and powder-coated flower to the brick wall.  

Our installers had to individually mount each welded and powder-coated flower to the brick wall.  

This install involved mounting over 60 individual aluminum sculptures to a three 8'x12' brick niches in Alexandria. 

This install involved mounting over 60 individual aluminum sculptures to a three 8'x12' brick niches in Alexandria.